Giving Opportunities
Planned Giving
A Charitable Remainder Trust is a valuable gift to ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness, which ensures financial security for you or a loved one, and earns immediate tax deductions. Income is paid for a lifetime or specified term, either as a fixed annual sum (an Annuity Trust), or as a percentage of the trust’s annual fair market value (a Unitrust). When the trust terminates, the assets will benefit those ShowMe serves.
Through a Charitable Lead Trust, you may temporarily assign the income from designated assets to benefit ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness. You earn charitable tax deductions for the income ShowMe receives during the trust’s term. When the trust terminates, the assets return to your control, and their income is taxable once again.
Gift Annuities
Make an annuity gift now and receive a lifetime income for yourself, a spouse or anyone else you designate in exchange for a gift of cash, stock or securities. Upon your death, the gift remainder supports ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness.
Appreciated Stock
A gift of appreciated stock (held more than one year) makes an excellent donation. It is deductible at its fair market value, and you avoid all capital gains taxes on the increase in value while receiving a charitable tax deduction.
A gift from a retirement or pension plan is another way to help ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness serve those in need. Funds beyond the comfortable support of yourself or loved ones may be given to ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness.
Life Insurance
Insurance is another simple way to make a substantial future gift. Naming ShowMe Aquatics & Fitness as the beneficiary to receive all or part of the proceeds of an existing life insurance policy entitles you to a charitable deduction from estate taxes at your death. You may also take out a new policy with the endowment listed as beneficiary or co-beneficiary.
To finalize your gift, please consult your attorney, accountant or other professionals you trust for advice on estate and tax planning.